Suite à la publication d’une de mes citations concernant ma critique du quota de 30% revendiqué pour les femmes en politique au Liban, certains commentaires émis soulignèrent le caractère ‘illogique’ d’une telle revendication, de mesure ‘anormale’, voire d’un impensable puisque, les alternatives ne seraient que des rêves fous et que le choix le plus sûr […]

Women Ordination in Catholic and Orthodox Churches: Lebanese perspectives… Censored!

I was interviewed by OTV (one of the local TV channels in Lebanon) on the highly sensitive subject of women ordination. The priest who was invited too clearly expressed his opposition to women being ordained in orthodox and catholic churches. I presented the Sciences of Religions’ perspective, I talked about women pastors and bishops in […]

وتوابعها crushes ظاهرة

“عيش كتير بتشوف كتير…” هكذا أُعلّق على الظاهرة الأخيرة التي اكتسحت فايسبوك في لبنان وحازت على اهتمام وانتباه طلاب الجامعات المختلفة (…) صفحاتٌ للتسلية، للتعبير عن حبٍ، أو كرهٍ، أو لنشرِ صور طلاب وطالبات الجامعات، صور خاصّة ومثيرة أحيانًا وأخرى عاديّة. ولكن لماذا؟ لماذا ظهرت هذه الصفحات في يومنا هذا؟ ما سبب هذه الظاهرة؟ هل […]

Hymen Talk

In comparison to neighboring Middle-Eastern countries, Lebanon is often regarded as a haven for moral and sexual liberty. The bubbly, alcohol-soaked nightlife and its inevitable share of wild, uninhibited party girls are endlessly flaunted through the Facebook posts of proud Lebanese and praised by astonished foreigners who have had their preconceptions of the Arab world […]

حقوق المرأة العربيّة في يد الرجُل

لا تني المرأة في العالم العربيّ بعامّة، وفي لبنان بخاصّة، عن مطالبة السلطات الرسميّة الملكيّة والحكوميّة، بحقوقٍ سياسيّة واجتماعيّة وعائليّة وإنسانيّة ومدنيّة، وذلك عبر التظاهرات والاحتجاجات حينًا، والحملات الإعلانيّة والإعلاميّة عبر وسائل الإعلام حينًا آخر قراءة المزيد

Lebanon is not a Democratic country!

According to the quotaproject.org, Lebanon has one of the lowest political representation rates for women on a global scale, and especially in decision making positions and high ranking political positions. 3.1% of women in the Lebanese Parliament… Can anyone dare saying that Lebanon is a democratic country, when a large part of its population – […]

The Bershka Skull T-Shirt Controversy in Lebanon!

The following image has been published on Facebook in the last two days, representing a Bershka skull T-Shirt, followed by massive online protests by Lebanese – mostly Christians. Comments like ‘This is humiliating’, ‘a shame’, ‘this is crazy’, ‘people are evil’, etc. accompany the image depicting, as all are stating, the Virgin Mary as the […]

Feminist and Peace Activist

A student of mine, studying Theology, future clerk, asked me a while ago: ‘‘Why, a woman ‘like you’ (describing me as ‘young trendy secular woman’), not attached to any religious function, is interested in religions, cultures, philosophy, politics, etc. in a country like Lebanon where the production of knowledge – if it exists – on […]

I am sick and tired of conforming!

I am sick and tired of being an exploited objectified woman and citizen. I am Lebanese and in my society, beauty standards changed in the last 10-15 years. We were busy with war until the early 1990s, not paying attention to physical characteristics. When we stopped killing each other with weapons, we started a devastating competition, […]

Presumed Incompetent! It can be tiring being a Woman in Academia!

This is one of the latest books I have been reading: Presumed Incompetent. The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia (Edited by Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. González, Angela P. Harris). Highly interesting work, especially for my case as a university professor having to deal with sexism while […]