…لكلّ امرأة ألف تحية

استيقظتْ ذلك الصباح، نظرت إلى أنوثتها المتعبة في المرآة، وأهدتها ابتسامة…إنّه صباح الثامن من آذار، هو يومها: اليوم العالميّ للمرأة إنّ الاحتفال بهذه المناسبة جاء على إثر عقد أول مؤتمر للاتحاد النسائي الديمقراطي والذي عُقد في باريس عام 1945. وكان أول احتفال عالمي بيوم المرأة رغم أن بعض الباحثين يرجح أن اليوم العالمي للمرأة كان […]

Sex Workers in Lebanon

Depicting the reality in Lebanon, we have different degrees of citizenship. Men are on the higher ranks, of course with the exception of homosexual and queer men, and, women are still seen as second class citizens. And still, homosexual women who are manly are viewed with more respect than the others, because anything that is […]

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Women, Sexuality and the Myth of the Virgin

As in most Arab societies, religion plays a fundamental role in the Lebanese society. Not only does it represent the base of the moral code but it also gives men of religion great power over the public opinion and allows them to practically dictate what the right and wrong ways to think and act are. […]

Feminisms in Dialogue (I)

Following a first encounter organized by ‘Women in Front’ yesterday afternoon of at least 30 Lebanese women activists, journalists, university professors, lawyers, etc. all wanting to improve women’s participation in politics and decision making, I remembered the experience I had while living in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) with a group of women under the leadership of […]

Adultery in Lebanon: a Crime?

A question I have been asking for years , especially when I hear of women being publicly humiliated or murdered when caught in extra-marital relations or having sexual intercourse without being married, whereas men are generally ‘heroes’, or are easily forgiven for their acts – men are seen ‘naturally’ polygamous. Men and women are treated […]

Cab Driving and Sexual Harassment

How many times have we heard stories about cab drivers and their lack of ethics in Lebanon? They try to get more than a normal fee out of passengers to go from point A to point B. They surely overcharge foreigners. And, they engage in obscene conversations with guys and girls. The typical Lebanese cab […]

Causes of Divorce: Stop Blaming it on Women!

I am a Lebanese woman living in hell since I divorced. “Social hell” if I can label it this way… Lebanese society is of course diverse, still, its perception of divorced women is archaic and sexist. Women are usually blamed for a failed marriage: “she could have prevented it”, “she did not sacrifice enough”, “how […]

My Journey with Plastic Surgery is Over!

I began this journey with physical embellishment in my early 20s with Rhinoplasty or the nose job. In my 30s: breast augmentation, liposuction and eyelid lifts. In my 40s, a vaginal wall repair surgery after delivering two babies. My husband wasn’t happy with a wider vagina. Is he happy today? Not at all… What have […]

Sex Trafficking in Lebanon

Sex trafficking is considered to be part of human trafficking or modern-day slavery. Up to 27 million people are living in slavery around the world: women and men, girls and boys, and their stories remind us of the kind of inhumane treatment we are capable of as human beings. In 2012, Lebanon was among the […]