The Paris Terror Attacks…Now What?

In light of the recent terror attacks that took place in Paris, many have taken to social media to publish their opinions. Hashtags including #JeSuisCharlie and #JeSuisAhmed went viral on twitter. The world seemed to be buzzing; the terror attacks in France had affected so many people. What happened as a result of the unprecedented […]

Pourquoi s'exprimer? Why express oneself?

Question on ne peut plus pertinente que je souhaite poser : pourquoi s’exprimer ? Est-ce pour revendiquer ? Alors au nom de qui ou de quoi ? L’expression doit-elle se réduire à une colère ? A un cri de détresse ? Ou doit-elle aller bien plus loin ? Pour qu’une expression puisse prétendre à une […]

The Bershka Skull T-Shirt Controversy in Lebanon!

The following image has been published on Facebook in the last two days, representing a Bershka skull T-Shirt, followed by massive online protests by Lebanese – mostly Christians. Comments like ‘This is humiliating’, ‘a shame’, ‘this is crazy’, ‘people are evil’, etc. accompany the image depicting, as all are stating, the Virgin Mary as the […]