What is Empowerment and what does Feminism have to do with it?

Empowering Women makes for empowered Men, creating empowered Children, producing empowered Communities and builds empowered Societies. Empowerment is a concept used extensively in a wide range of applications and human interaction. To understand empowerment, first power dynamics need to be understood, which is an area too intensive for this piece. The basics of power dynamics […]

هل يمكن أن نتكلم عن "ربيع" المرأة في العالم العربي؟

 كثر الكلام عن الخطر الذي يكمن في إستيلاء الجماعات الإسلامية المتطرفة على إدارة المجتمعات والسياسات الوطنية، ولكن تهب رياح التغيير في العالم العربي – من المطالبة بالحريات والحقوق الإنسانية والإطاحة بالإستبداد السياسي ومعها حركات جديدة تطالب بحقوق المرأة؛ حركات متنوعة في المنهجية المعتمدة والخطاب النسوي و الآراء والممارسات، منها تعبر عن غضبها وترصد الإنتهاكات للحقوق، […]

Womanhood in Western Asia Cannot be Summarized in ‘Clichés’

Most Western Asian societies are struggling nowadays with social, political and economic crisis. They also suffer from diverse forms of discrimination (gender, religious, political, etc.) based partly on highly selective memories serving particular interests and ideological positions. However, there are spaces of dialogue and conviviality, and gender equality cases. Just as memory and identity support […]