Toward Resilient Arab Societies

I was invited more than 10 years ago by an association of psychologists in Montreal (Quebec- Canada) to testify about my experience as a war survivor. The main theme was ‘Resilience’ and my hosts and colleagues defined it as having a positive attitude, optimism, and the ability to change one’s life even after a misfortune. […]

Entre deux rives (Canada et Liban)

Je publie à nouveau ce matin un de mes articles parus dans l’Orient-le-Jour et dans la revue du Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour (2006). A l’époque, nous avions, mon mari et moi, pris la décision de retourner au Liban, pour des raisons tant familiales que ‘nationalistes’. Il faut dire que notre visite lors de l’été 2006 […]

Pity our Nation?

I woke up this morning with those three words in my head “Pity the Nation” while thinking of Lebanon, Lebanese, of our sad situation caught in a never-ending cycle of wars, both physical and psychological. “Pity the Nation” is the title of Robert Fisk’s publication in England (1990) and the US (1991). Strange how the […]