Why Gender Equality is important? My opinion

Gender Discrimination has always been a rather pressing and important matter which has been discussed by many around the world but was never given the care and true value it deserved in the Middle East for example. While it is true that in some countries—mainly developed countries—women have become equal to men (and they fight […]

About Premarital Sex and Sexism! My opinion

Many debates have taken place recently, especially in the Middle East, and many articles have been talking about sex before marriage. But the thing is, despite what the majority’s opinion is, it always concerns women… Can women have any sexual relations before marriage? Or is it a death penalty in religions? What does God have […]

REPORT: Lebanon ranks 16 out of 22 as best Arab State for Women

a�?According to a Thomson Reuteurs poll for best Arab state for women, Lebanon ranked 16 out 22. The surprise is that the low ranking was due to legislation which is not favorable towards women in Lebanon.a�? A�If we recap the last few years, we realize how much we are stuck in our place. What happened […]

Pour la cause des droits des femmes au Liban: quelle révolution des mentalités?

Je publie ci-dessous un résumé d’une partie de mon intervention à la Table-Ronde organisée par Women in Front le samedi 9 novembre 2013 au Salon Francophone du Livre de Beyrouth: “La cause des droits des femmes: avancées et obstacles – France, Maghreb, Liban”. La partie des acquis et non-acquis, ainsi que celle des obstacles, seront […]

Let the Desire of Speaking Freedom become a harness…

“Censorship” comes from the Latin word censor. In the 5th c. C.E. Rome, the censor had two duties: to count the citizens (census) and to supervise their morals. In Greek communities, the ideal of good governance included shaping the character of the people. Two of the most famous cases of censorship in ancient times are that of Socrates, […]

Human Rights in Lebanon: There is a lot of work left to be done!

“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened” (John F. Kennedy). When I first decided to write about human rights in Lebanon, I was not aware of how important this subject is and how much it affects our daily life. However, the more I read, the more it […]

Libanaise qu'à moitié…

Dans un pays où l’opinion publique semble croire à une égalité établie entre hommes et femmes  et où quelques citoyens comparent notre situation à celles des pays européens (comme le montre entre autre la vidéo publiée par l’Orient-le-Jour intitulée « CONDITIONS DE LA FEMME AU LIBAN : MYTHE ET REALITES»), le Liban vient d’acquérir en 2013  la très « HONORABLE » 123 […]

My name is Naya Zerez, from Aleppo (Syria) and I'm here to raise few questions about Human Rights!

My name is Naya Zerez, I’m from Aleppo, I came to Lebanon in order to pursue my studies in architecture at USEK, since we have a bad political situation in our beloved Syria, or, if I may call it “war”.  I’m here to raise few questions about human rights… The United Nations’ general assembly was […]

Le racisme au Liban: il est à craindre que la prise de conscience actuelle ne puisse changer la situation!

Chaque année, des milliers de migrants entrent au Liban pour y travailler dans des maisons de familles libanaises, ou en tant qu’employés non-qualifiés dans des entreprises privées. Environ 200.000 travailleurs migrants résident de manière permanente et travaillent légalement au Liban. Il est difficile d’estimer le nombre de travailleurs migrants illégaux qui semble être beaucoup plus […]

Celebrating Red Lips High Heels’ first anniversary!

In this perspective, I founded the Red Lips High Heels’ online movement in October 2012, gathering a group of individuals from various ethnic, religious, cultural, economic and political backgrounds, established in the region and especially in Lebanon, but also in diaspora. Academicians, lawyers, psychologists, artists, educators, employees of the private and public sectors, business women and […]