Wonder Women

As a female, growing up in Saudi has had a huge impact on my lifestyle, perceptions and way of thinking. Although I am not originally from Saudi, living there my whole life has affected me enormously in different aspects of my life such as the way I speak and dress up. Moreover, as the Middle […]


Many women have been exposed to cruel mistreatment from family members and partners in life. Women who are exposed to domestic violence often experience physical, mental or spiritual traumas that can be worsen if they are not addressed. Furthermore it is common for women in an abusive relationship not to recall many aspects of their […]

Nazret Mogtama3 نظرة مجتمع

I’m a 20 year old Muslim Egyptian girl who was born and raised in Dubai. However, I visit my home country every year (…). In my family, I’m the only girl who is not wearing a Hijab and I get judged for that – ‘a girl who doesn’t fulfill her religious duties’. It used to […]

لا تفعلي هذا

لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبون المرآة…القوية لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبونا المرآة…الذكية لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبون االمرآة…المتحررة لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبون االمرآة…المفكرة لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبونا المرآة…الرومانسية لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبونا المرآة…الحالمة لا تفعلي هذا فالرجال لا يحبون االمرآة…المتكلمة. اذا سألت معظم الفتيات عن أكثر […]

مرأةٌ جوهر كتاب

  أنا كتابٌ لا تحدّه الصفحاتُ، أمامي مدافعٌ تودّ بطلقاتها وضعَ فواصلٍ تفصلني عن معادي.   أمامي أيسٌ يضع في صُلبيَ حركاتٍ تحرّك أحشائي لتقيّدها، فتخضّها أرجائي وتبصقها أمعائي.   تحتي ثلوجٌ تريدني مستريحةً خامدة تتلفّقني وتمحي دهوري فلا ينبت عشبٌ ولا تمطر الدوالي.   على مياه ملاعبي بجعٌ أسود ضاق ذرعاً بالألوان، وحده لا […]

Let's Talk about Female Circumcision and Islam!

Combating female circumcision (FC), also known as female genital mutilation (FGM) or cutting, is a shared goal amongst human rights activists and feminists. The exact reason behind FGM’s emergence is unknown, but there is proof that it began long before the rise of Islam. Historians believe it was first developed in ancient Egypt for ritualistic […]

Gender Equality by 2030: Possibility or Utopia?

This year’s March 8 International Women’s Day United Nations theme is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. With the new global 2030 roadmap and 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by UN Member States, gender equality appears to be the most critical[1]. According to Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director (UN […]

Alice’s Pearls

I was interviewed few hours ago for a documentary and one of the directors’ questions was about my pearls. My answer had nothing to do with eclectic styles mixing and matching old and new, luxury and humbleness, ‘East’ and ‘West’, or the importance of filling one’s neck with necklaces that strike me fancy. Even if […]