لبنان متوازن هو لبنان أفضل

خلينا نحتفل بإنجازات النساء ونرفض التمييز ضد المرأة والتحيز وندعم المساواة الجنسانية بالحقوق والفرصInternational Women’s Day – March 8#BalanceforBetter #IWD2019— with Red Lips High Heels and Dr. Pamela Chrabieh

Contemporary Feminisms in Lebanon: Lights in the Tunnel

Though many commentators have warned that the Arab Spring has turned into a winter, and despite the fact that many countries in the Southwestern Asian region have for the last decades witnessed continuous wars, political turmoil, economic crises, as well as the rise of extremism and the dissemination of sectarianism, the reality, in my opinion, […]


On en a trop parlé de ce sujet qui nous turlupine à un point tel de nous donner un vertige tenace. La femme libanaise, ses joues refaites, ses rondeurs surfaites, son 4×4 avançant contre vents et marées (de pauvres bagnoles qui pétaradent sur l’autoroute) avec l’envie cuisante d’arriver à point à ce rendez-vous de beauté… […]

DISCLAIMER: This may be an unpopular opinion, but it is nevertheless mine

All these feminist movements I see in Lebanon are useless. Every culture has its own set of rules and customs, we should stop trying to import these movements from abroad and implement them here in our society. Those movements cannot achieve our desired goals. Those movements were built for a different life, for a different […]

A New Feminist Wave in Lebanon or the Path to Democratization

The study of Feminist/Women’s movements not only contributes to our understanding of women’s experiences of political and social change, but also helps to bridge the gaps between local activism and feminist theory. Feminist claims and organizations in Lebanon and most Western Asian countries are not new, and credit for the growth of new Feminisms must […]