'Witch Hunt' in Cairo

I am an Egyptian woman who has a story to tell about the aftermath of what was called the Arab Spring Revolutions. Forgive me if I use a nickname. I have been participating to many demonstrations in the Tahrir Square since Mr. Mohamed Morsi was elected as President. My main concern was – and still […]

The Case of Lesbians in Lebanon

It is with deep concern that I put on the table of discussion the case of lesbians in Lebanon. It has come to my attention, during my last visit, that some places, bars, restaurants are implicitly linked to their presence. Although it is reassuring to know that there are some safe havens, it remains very […]

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Violence Against Women is Never Acceptable

Violence against women is never acceptable, cannot be tolerated in any form, in any context, in any circumstances. Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary general launched in 2008 the campaign to “end the violence against women” that aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls in all parts in the world. Types of violence […]

Living in a Patriarchal Society

The Lebanese society – such as most Western Asian societies – can be easily labeled as patriarchal. Males have central roles of political leadership, moral authority, religious authority, economical power and property. Sad reality in the 21st century C.E., especially when anthropological and historical evidence indicates that most prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies were generally relatively egalitarian. Our […]

Najat Aadil: «Nous ne lâcherons pas l'affaire jusqu’à l’abrogation de la loi marocaine sur le viol des mineures»

L’enseignante Najat Aadil est membre notamment du mouvement international Soroptimist qui œuvre à l’intégration professionnelle et sociale des femmes. Le suicide de l’adolescente Amina Al Filali en mois de mars a eu l’effet d’un électrochoc sur la société marocaine. Pour pousser à l’abrogation de l’article 475 du Code pénal qui avait permis à son violeur […]

Fathers and Sons, and the Middle Eastern Mentality

Fathers and sons bond by making fun of their wives and sisters respectively. Ita��s as simple as a statement as a�?Theya��re women! What do you expect?a�?. They have a laugh and brush off anything that was said as if ita��s nothing significant. This is Lebanon. This is the mentality in a big number of houses. […]

Les Femmes et la Guerre

Par Madeleine Gagnon (VLB Editeur, Canada, 2000) Un ouvrage certes non récent, mais dont le message est encore d’actualité, et qui touche les femmes au Moyen-Orient victimes d’innombrables guerres. Madeleine Gagnon en a rencontré entre autres en Israël-Palestine et au Liban. Ces femmes ont perdu leurs proches. Nombre d’entre elles ont en outre subi sévices […]

Family Honor and Women: an Unfinished Business

By Dr. PAMELA CHRABIEH and MARIANNE BADINE In many societies, family honor related to virginity became an outdated issue. However, in most Western Asian and North African cultures for example, horrific realities prevail. “Honor murders” occur in cities and villages, in poor neighborhoods and upper social classes. These murders are based on the belief that […]