قول فتاةٍ شمطاء

  :القول في ما لا يقال كلماتي كاذبة !آهٍ كم أحبُّها كلماتي كجسدي تستودع من يلمسها ،فتخرج حبّاً في متاهات المعرفة سراجاً يضيء لمن خسر الهاوية .فسامره الكلام في زاويةٍ غاوية يرفع كلامي عينيه نحو أرضٍ باقية ترضخ لها السماوات الزائلة .فتهزؤ منها نشواتي العائدة أقوالي أفعالٌ تخشاها الأمثلة تحملها الأحلام نحو يقظاتٍ مستعجِبة ترضِخُ […]

My story with Arranged Marriages

“I never knew that I would be able to write about my experience as a woman of this community. I’m here today because of it, I’m here because it has made me who I am today: a woman trying to embody the ideals of both the West and East, a constant struggle, a constant obstacle- […]

Because it’s 2015!

P.M. Justin Trudeau gives Canada a first cabinet with ethnically diverse ministers and an equal number of men and women, and in my home country, Lebanon, women can’t even confer their nationality to their husbands or children. As a naturalized Canadian citizen, I am proud of the gender equality under the law in the land […]

أبحثُ عن فارسي

في داخلي شوقٌ لغزلِ الكلمات للرقصِ فوق السطور للبوحِ بأسراري للورق… في داخلي حنينٌ لأيامِ وحدتي… انطوائي مع قلمٍ وورقةٍ وكتاب… تقوقُعي في المسافةِ الواقعةِ بين قلمي والورق… في داخلي ما بقيَ بعد أن بعثرتني الحياة… أذابتني في حلقتها المفرغة، ومضت… ♦ ♦ ♦ أبحث عن قلمي عن فارسٍ على صهوةِ أفكاري… عن حاضنٍ لكلِّ أسراري… أبحثُ […]

It's Always an Exception When It Comes to Women's Rights, Isn't It?

مش وقتا ‘Mich Wa2ta’ (Lebanese saying for ‘This is not the time to…’) is a national slogan in Lebanon used on several occasions by people of different social-economic, political and religious backgrounds. Quite understandable in a country torn by cycles of physical and psychological wars, corruption, a dysfunctional system of diversity management, the reign of […]

Pourquoi suis-je célibataire?

Cette constatation, cette question, passé la trentaine, devient un leitmotiv pesant qui dérange, blesse et déstabilise chaque jeune fille libanaise. N’étant pas la seule dans cette situation peu élogieuse, j’ai décidé de faire le tour de la question et de parler franchement de ce “problème” tabou de notre chère société. La première chose qui vient […]

Je ne suis pas qu'un corps et ce corps m'appartient !!!

‘Tu as grossi ! Il faudra que tu perdes au moins 10 kilos pour que tu sois à nouveau un être humain – bani ‘adam’ ! ‘Comment vas-tu plaire à ton mari avec cette haybe – cette face/façade – ?’ ‘Je connais une excellente diététicienne. Je te refile son numéro’. ‘Ah ! J’ai cru que tu étais enceinte ! Le […]

Is Lebanon Ready for a Revolution?

Why do many Lebanese let themselves and their country be buried under trash? Why is the general worldview/behavior – except for few individuals and movements who are trying to deconstruct it – quietist, conformist, and ostrich or zombie like? Why isn’t there a collective upheaval that would gather all Lebanese? Is Lebanon ready for a revolution? […]

Why do Men Fear Women?

This is not a philosophy question. I am just sharing my story while hoping others will answer the question ‘Why do Men Fear Women?’ based on their own experiences. I have been working for quite some time in the Arab world, between Lebanon, Syria (before the war) and the United Arab Emirates. Different companies, different […]