العنف ضد النساء: المرأة ضحية مرتين

يضربها زوجها ويهددها وينعتها بأسوأ الصفات، وعندما تتخذ قرار الرحيل يعتذر منها ويدعي أن ما حدث مجرد لحظة غضب وتبقى هي عالقة في حلقة مفرغة ملؤها الحزن و الندم. لا شك وأن موضوع العنف ضد المرأة ليس بالأمر الجديد بتاتا،ً خاصة في مجتمعنا العربي الذي تطغى فيه السلطة المطلقة للذكور، ولكن دائماً نتردد في نقاش […]

Sexes Gap Multiple Roots in the MENA Region

My name is Fikir and I am currently working towards completing my degree in International Relations at the American University in Dubai. I then plan on continuing my Master’s degree at SOAS University in London before permanently settling in the MENA/Sub-Saharan region to pursue a career in community development of disadvantaged provinces. I grew up […]

Though we come from different places, we share common experiences because we are women

My name is Charlotte Moller and I am twenty-year-old student at the University of Albany in New York, studying abroad for one semester at the American University in Dubai. I am a Public Policy major with a minor in Women’s Studies extremely passionate about feminism. I have been a feminist my entire life, even before […]

Arabs, Islam, and the Oppression of Women?

Descending from a line of politically and socially active women, I always had a different perspective on women’s issues. I was just as vocal and as active as the generations of women that preceded me in my bloodline. I studied in Bahrain and came to the United Arab Emirates to pursue my university degree in […]

صباحٌ هازئ

تتنازعني أفكارُ الكون، فأجد نفسي في خضمِّ الكذب حيناً وفي حضن أمهاته أحياناً تحيك قصصُها أيّامَ الحارات المبتسمة، فتنبت المقاهي وتنحسر العائلات فتختبأ خلف أجساد الفتيات اليافعات المغتَصَبة. يراوحني السكون في الصباح يرميني عن شرفات اللّذة الناتئة النائمة ويطرحني على عربات الخضار الصاحية المتردّدة، فتُمطرُ علَي قبلات بائعٍ تركته برجوازية المدينة باكياً أمام باب حانوتي […]

Stereotypes about Women in the Middle East

I’ve always been fascinated by stereotypes in general, because we often group individuals together and make collective, controversial judgements about them, despite not knowing them.  There can be positive as well as negative stereotypes, and I believe that they are harmful to society because they oversimplify people’s qualities and create an inaccurate image of them, […]

My Hope for a Better Afghan Society

Feminism is a word taken for granted. It is used by people who do not even know its true meaning. One of my first ideas of the word came from my high school English teacher who said, “the difference between a feminist and a normal woman is if you open a door for a normal […]

Le Liban, un morceau de lune ?

A ce jour, le Liban est en guerre, tant physique que psychologique, et s’enlise dans les sables mouvants de crises multiformes – politique, religieuse/confessionnelle, socio-économique, générationnelle, environnementale, culturelle, crises du genre et du savoir, etc. Il est vrai que l’existence même de faiseurs-es ou d’agents-es de paix qui tentent de promouvoir les valeurs de réconciliation […]

Economics of Women: Marriage in Pakistan

You write about something for one of two things: either you are extremely passionate about the subject or when you strongly oppose an issue. I’m writing for the latter. The issue of giving dowry has been part of the marriage traditions for a long time. Started decades ago, this custom is being exploited in many […]

Women: An Inspiration

As a child, I grew up in a world that was part fantasy and part reality. I was very visual, and my mind would often wander as I looked at objects, observed patterns, and listened to conversations. I gained a particular interest in observing people and the way they behave. My mother took me along […]