قصتي مع العنف

  في معظم الأوقات اكتب يومياتي،لكن لن أحاول ولو مرةً واحدة الرجوع إليها وإعادة قرأتها.لكن تختلف المناسبة اليوم.سأروي قصتي لمرة الأولى،بجرأةٍ وصدق لتأكيد لكم مدى أهمية وجود أي قانون يحمي المرأة من العنف ومن هذا المجتمع البدائي.       ما أصعب التكلم عن حدث لطالما حاولت جاهداً  غض النظر عنه ونسيانه…كانت عينيها تدمعان وهي تحاول تذكر ما اهانى […]

October is set on the calendar as a�?Domestic Violence Awareness Montha�?

How truly public is domestic violence in Lebanon? We hear stories about women abused in their homes, we might even know a couple but we are forced to feel that there is nothing we can do about it. Our hands are tied when the law is against common sense.A� A friend of mine, while on […]

Keep your Voices Ringing against Domestic Violence!

“We knew all along that He was hitting her’, she said. “And you did nothing?’, I answered all perplexed. All what I got from her was a smirk and a nod from her head. That is what puzzles and perplexes: the ability to turn away from the atrocities of marital abuse, the constant convincing that […]