Shocking as it was and is these news of explosions by suicide bombers in Lebanon, fear creeps into the hearts even of those who live way far outside this country. The possibility of dying at any minute, in any place, with no possibility of sheltering oneself goes beyond imagination. During war times, with its own set of awfulness and uncertainties, the Lebanese citizen was somewhat prepared mentally and physically to face those horrors. But nowadays, how can it be safe to be anywhere at anytime?
More shocking is the people committing this dreadful act: they are Lebanese citizens. This is their country. These are their brothers and sisters. Are we to believe that ideologies can turn a person even against his or her own? And if so, what does it mean to the rest of us who witness such extremism in thought and action?
Sadly, this kind of blind following of an authority figure or person is nothing new to the Lebanese person. This past century in our region has witnessed countless of merciless, abominable, and inconceivable acts of killings and murders of Lebanese citizens at the hands of their own. This was a direct link to the automated following of one leader’s line of thoughts and beliefs.
The question remains locked out of the ears of those who are responsible of the safety of this country: Until when the murderers and instigators of these acts will be able to run free and away from justice?
Life is a struggle on all levels. As long as justice and peace do not exist in our country, it is our duty as citizens to do all that we can in the different sectors of the Lebanese society to become the change that we want to see happening around us. Every small act of integrity and honest courageous living brings Lebanon closer to figuring out solutions. Every one of us is responsible and should feel the weight of it. What goes on in Lebanon today is not the norm, and cannot be taken lightly. It is a serious matter when the Lebanese citizen becomes his or her own enemy. Dialogue, intervention and knowledge can be powerful tools to enlighten those who have been dragged into these dark roads of life. It is about time to awake our love for what we have inherited from our ancestors, and start working to bring a world of peace for our children.