…لكلّ امرأة ألف تحية

استيقظتْ ذلك الصباح، نظرت إلى أنوثتها المتعبة في المرآة، وأهدتها ابتسامة…إنّه صباح الثامن من آذار، هو يومها: اليوم العالميّ للمرأة إنّ الاحتفال بهذه المناسبة جاء على إثر عقد أول مؤتمر للاتحاد النسائي الديمقراطي والذي عُقد في باريس عام 1945. وكان أول احتفال عالمي بيوم المرأة رغم أن بعض الباحثين يرجح أن اليوم العالمي للمرأة كان […]

Sex Workers in Lebanon

Depicting the reality in Lebanon, we have different degrees of citizenship. Men are on the higher ranks, of course with the exception of homosexual and queer men, and, women are still seen as second class citizens. And still, homosexual women who are manly are viewed with more respect than the others, because anything that is […]

Women in the Middle East/ Western Asia: the Fight for Equality Continues!

I have been following closely the diverse campaigns on Facebook and other online platforms such as the “Uprising of Women in the Arab World”. Somehow, most testimonies reflect my concerns. As a Western Asian woman, but also as a university professor, researcher, author, artist and activist, in one of the most Patriarchal institutions i.e. the […]