What about Women Athletes?

Katia Aoun HageI do not dance ballet.
I do not knit or crochet.
I do not wear red lipstick, nor high heels.
I lift weights, heavy that is…

During the day, you probably would find me running around my 3 boys, taking care of my husband, making sure that my house is clean, with food on the table. But at 5 o’clock in the morning, I am a sweaty, powerful, determinate athlete who can make even the toughest guys think twice before talking to me.

Being a female athlete took a lot of learning to accept myself with a changing body, that did not act feminine, sexy or sensual. I learned from both female and male coaches how to go beyond the appearances and reach deep into my core, discovering the beauty and unfailing will that lay in me. There was assurance from fellow female athletes, with questions answered like:”Is it ok that my bra size is getting smaller?”, as well as the affirmation of who I am becoming. My male coaches were a key in opening the way to believe in myself and what I could achieve.

This article is just a door to let you think of the importance of accepting the person as who she/he is. When it comes to growing up and finding your own voice in society, it is crucial to have both men and women give you the confidence and the tools to succeed.

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